Friday, 23 September 2011

A Decision Has Been Made...

As stated in previous blog entires I've been trying to decide which PABH song to use for this project, with one of mylast blogs stating it was a choice between "The Lighthouse", "E=MC Hammer" or "I've Got Guestlist to Rory O Harras Suicide". After some careful coincideration and some in put from my new partner Chloe, we both decided on using "E=MC Hammer" :) Not only is it one of my favourite songs by the band but it is the longest out of the 3 and it also has much alot more possiblity for what we can do in terms of a video, plus it just has more potential of being a single than the other two, the other two songs are great songs but don't have the best potential for being a single, due to that they are really short songs and due to that the music video would be shorter leaving little room for bigger ideas, where as "E=MC Hammer" is an avergae length song and leaves rooom for a longer video which we can use to create a better storyline or idea for the video.

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