Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Research - Album Artwork

Here is the album from Pulled Apart By Horses, from the top down is, the front cover, album artwork for Back to the F**k Yeah, The Crapsons, Yeah Buddy, I Punched a Lion in the Throat, I've got Guest List for Rory O Harras Suicide and Get Off My Ghost Train. Unfortunatly this isn't all the artwork as it is quite difficult to find, but these few give the whole feel of the band and the artwork throughout. It shows alot of the bands humour and how modern and different the band are, as well as sticking to the skull iconography the band use pretty much all the time as well as the many other gothic features used by the band. Each piece of artwork for the cover bookelt was designed by an individual artist, something taht is rarely done anymore and shows a lot of dedication from the band towards their debute album and the fans who have supported them over the years. It also makes it even more individual and unique, and shows a true dedication from the band.

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