Thursday, 22 September 2011

Project Presentation

So last week I had to do a presentation in front of my class about the project I am doing for this course. Despite being a really nerve racking experience, it was also quite a useful one to. In the presentation (see video above) I talked about the band I had chosen, what my intentions for the music video, digipack and magazine would be and also showed off my artwork I had designed i.e. a logo/branding ideas for the band and ideas for the digipack pages. This was good experience as it allowed me to see what else I need to do with my project and what I need to tweek in order to make the project completely solid and tight and to have a complete strong focus on what the project will be. I have already have most of my ideas completely established and that don't need any changes done to them, in which I have a set idea but there are some that definitley need looking over and taht might need possible changes.

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